The second workshop of the fifth GIBACHT (Global Partnership Initiated Academia for the Control of Health Threats)cohort took place at the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) in Berlin from 15-19 July 2019. The programme is led by the BNITM and implemented in partnership with the RKI, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and the African Field Epidemiology Network. Four former GIBACHT fellows from Pakistan, Ghana, Sudan, and Uganda joined us to support the workshop and share their expertise with the 18 participants from 12 countries. 

During the workshop, the participants had to apply their acquired knowledge in biosafety and biosecurity in group work, including several real-time simulations of health emergencies. These involved different aspects of outbreak investigations, the use of personal protective equipment, dealing with health communication at various levels (e.g. media, at-risk population, public), and following different leads in a biosafety/biosecurity investigation.

The third and last workshop of the current cohort will take place in Kampala /Uganda in October 2019.


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